Link building has evolved with time and knowing this is crucial to your website’s success. In order for link building to be effective you need to make sure you do things correctly. Before you start creating your campaign it is important that you optimize your website with your chosen keywords. Once your site is ready then you can move on to creating a strategy for your link building campaign.

Your campaign needs to look as natural as possible. To allow this, set duration of time that you intend to build your links and disperse them into diverse sources such as sites that are similar to yours or that has relevant content such as being within the same niche as your site. Try a search using your chosen keywords and evaluate the results. Choose the top sites that are most relevant to your niche. Most often the top 5-10 sites are considered your priority sites. These are the sites that will benefit your campaign most. Also be sure to check the site’s page rank before adding them to your list of sites.

Remember that quantity comes after quality when it comes to the new methods even though that wasn’t the case in methods used several years ago. In today’s methods it is always better to be able to reach a few highly relevant sites to link with rather than numerous sites with lower quality content or content that is not relevant to your niche. Remember diversity is good; try to choose several different types of sites to link with. Blogs, forums, similar sites, directories etc, are all good choices.

Once you have decided on where to build your links and you have a strategy set out you will be ready to start your link building campaign. Having a strategy in place will help you to deploy and maintain a campaign that will work.