Pay per click is one of the many ways to get your business out there however if you aren’t careful you can easily spend more money than you need to. Knowing how to get more clicks for less money is essential.  Depending on who you ask you are certain to be told various methods however the most preferred methods to get more clicks for less are generally among the ones listed here.

Tips for getting more clicks for less:

  • Careful planning can save people a good amount of money. In fact, careless bidding or preparation can cost you a ton extra. Taking the time to fully plan your campaign will save you tons of money and you will have even better results.
  • Careful bidding is also essential. Bid on the lower expense highest ranked keyword you chose and watch how others bid to plan for the next campaign.
  • Use an ad that is well written and includes your keywords of choice in order to assist your pay per click campaign. Pay careful attention to the keyword density of the ad so that you don’t over use the keywords. This is a careless mistake that could hurt your entire campaign.
  • Keyword grouping has shown to have some benefit as well. Choose your similar keywords for grouping and track them to see what your results are.
  • Overall optimization of your Quality Score (especially if using Adwords) will drastically reduce your pay per click expense. You will also benefit greatly by simply taking the time to do your research and know what your goals are. Going in blindly is the top mistake that people make.